375 Cool Evening Ct (Trailer needs painted (Rusty Roof) and Mini Barn also needs painted.)


Cool Evening Ct could look a little better. It used to be nicer.


A lot of homes in Stardust have mold on the North side that needs to be washed off.

If you take a pump-up bottle and put a cup of bleach in it, then fill with water and spray that on the side of your house, next rinse off with a hose. That’s All!

It don’t cost a lot to be clean and neat.


The trailer at the end of Pumpkin Place (Lisa’s old trailer) needs to be cleaned up.

There is also a tree broken off above the trailer that will fall off soon and cause a lot of damage to the trailer.


*294 Bubba Loo it’s on NEXTDOOR site “Louis Reitel”  It looked clean in 2013, check Google Earth picture below.

The owner is building a building to put all the stuff in so eventually it will be fixed.

294 Bubba Loo 2013

People just have a lot of stuff.