What's it for?


Just some of my thoughts about the HOA.

Take a ride on the streets of Cloverdale, Indiana, look at the yards and homes.

All the working people living in those homes pay city taxes from their pay checks.


Next take a ride on all the streets of Stardust Hills, look at the yards and homes.

All the working people living in those homes pay city taxes from their pay checks.


The only difference is the people in Stardust Hills will pay $280.00 per year HOA fees to live in a better maintained area.

After the ride through both areas do you feel that the HOA area is a better maintained area than the town proper?


I personally don’t know if getting rid of the HOA would solve anything.

But if you can’t enforce the rules then I say get rid of the HOA!


What is the HOA for?

The developer sets up an HOA to preserve the looks of a new neighborhood. This will help keep your property value up.

A neighborhood will degrade in time and he would like to see the degradation slow down.

The amenities he puts in and the open grounds will need to be kept clean and grass mowed.

Those things take money that the developer does not want to pay, so that’s a good reason for him to establish an HOA.

Now let’s suppose you have all these things set up and the place still gets run down over time.

What do they do?  They will raise the dues!


If you turn control of the HOA to the city you can pay your dues at the town hall. The city has rules about tall grass and building codes and they have the means to enforce the rules.


Don Gedert bought the HOA land out of bankruptcy court in 1994 according to a Jenny Green post on NEXTDOOR.

According to the Articles of Incorporation was set up in 1971 and said the HOA is responsible for keeping all the property within it’s borders clean.

“Necessary maintenance and improvements are to be made by the Association regardless of in whom record title to these facilities and properties lies.”

Would that mean people that have a lot of stuff are included?  Tall Grass?  Green mold on homes?.

 “The way I read it the HOA can go onto a violators property and start a cleanup process.”